Cumartesi, Ağustos 25


Bizim universiteye gelen Turkce hocasi bu maili campus listservine gondermek uzere yollamis.. Turkceye giris 1 dersinde yeteri kadar ogrenci olmadigindan sikayetci olan hocamiz sinifina ogrenci ariyor..

Yorumsuz veriyoruz! Yorumu size birakiyoruz


Hi Gators
Are you bored of having long hours of biology? Do you feel tired
of learning unnecessary stuff about history? If the answer is YES
then Come and Learn Turkish...It is the language of logic, It is
like singing on a beach, It is easy and fun to learn,about 120
million speak it all over the world. You will be amazed to learn
the awesome rule of 'vowel harmony' as well as the 'silent
aggrement'.Ohh and the cultural part is a great experience... Just
enroll in Beginning Turkish 1. We will start from the very base of
the language and have great deal of fun in the class... Come on
Gators ...Yuruyun Timsahlar (that's Go Gators in Turkish)
The Turkish Lecturer
Can (I am not a can of coke or something, It is pronounced Jon :)

elin amerikanyalisi naapsin turkceyi be kardesim! Dayanamadim, napiyim :P

2 yorum:

Zuzu dedi ki...

Valla anadili Türkçe olan biri olarak şunu söyleyebilirimki; iyi derecede İngilizce, orta seviyede Fransızca ve başlangıç düzeyinde İspanyolca biliyorum fakat hala bana göre en zor dil Türkçe. Millete küçük ünlü uyumunu falan anlatmaya kalktıysa hemen kaçmışlardır tabi:) Kolay gelsin Jon Öğretmen...

Carmen dedi ki...

Well, I'm surrounded by so many Turkish friends that I should consider taking this course! I would read all your blog that way! :)